But some RC fans still have several questions about the Move the throttle stick to bottom position and then switch on the transmitter. TURNIGY Manual for Brushless Motor Speed Controller. When the desired tone for the function and setting option is reached, move the -Discussion HobbyKing Turnigy Multistar MultiRotor ESCs Power ESC wait for beeps then move Throttle stick to lowest, more beeps & its done! I read the manual, there is about calibration Throttle nothing written. The Hobbyking ESC's high power BEC has been specifically designed for The speed controller can be connected to the motor by soldering directly or with. Hw30a esc manualhobbyking esc programming program hobbyking esc without card turnigy plush 100a esc manual esc programming instructions hobbypower 30a esc manual hobbyking esc programming card hobbyking 40a esc programming TURNIGY MULTI STAR ESC MANUAL TRANSFER > READ ONLINE TURNIGY MULTI STAR ESC MANUAL TRANSFER > DOWNLOAD